Wooly Pom Pom Learns to Knit With AI

By WebGlow AI

Once upon a time, Wooly Pom Pom, a sheep, grew up wearing hand-knit clothes made of pure wool.

When Wooly Pom Pom grew up, she wanted to learn how to knit her own clothing.

She learned knitting and became a knitting master - even designing patterns from scratch.


Although Wooly Pom Pom was an avid knitter, designing knitting patterns was a lot of work.

June 29, 2020

Fortunately, Wooly Pom Pom found an online course that taught how to make unlimited knitting patterns using AI tools.

June 29, 2020


After learning how to use AI to create knitting patterns, Wooly Pom Pom was constantly designing new knits!

June 29, 2020

After seeing Wooly Pom Pom's success with AI, other sheep learned how to design with  AI too!


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June 29, 2020

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